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Author:Erik Kessels
Publisher:RVBBooks, Amsterdam, 2018
Description:There is no dignity in war, no modesty either. Erik Kessels exposes a particularly shitty aspect of war, one that is usually left out of the history books. Despite the horror and chaos of conflict some aspects of daily life continue, even on the battlefield. Shit is a pictorial history of German soldiers doing their business in battle during WWII. Il n?y a ni dignit? ni pudeur en temps de guerre. Erik Kessels r?v?le une facette pour le moins inhabituelle du conflit, un aspect sur lequel les livres d?histoire ne s?attardent g?n?ralement pas. Malgr? l?horreur et le chaos qu?engendrent les hostilit?s, certains moments de la vie quotidienne demeurent in?luctables, m?me sur les champs de bataille. Le livre Shit est le r?cit illustr? de soldats allemands d?f?quant au combat pendant la seconde guerre mondiale.16.5x23 cm Linen bound hardback 100 pages 46 b&w photographs
Item No:566
Price: € 35,00 order
